We’re holding a picnic, open to all council members and immediate family, on Sunday August 20th. We have reserved the picnic pavilion at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center at 419 Trout Farm Road. We’ll have food, refreshments and an opportunity to socialize with our families. Please save the date, and RSVP with your total headcount here (or send a note to Jim McCarthy at kofc11092@gmail.org with your headcount).
This venue was taken over by the Will County Forest Preserve in 2022 from the Bolingbrook Park District. The location of the pavilion is right across the road from the nature center, which offers hiking trails and other activities that your families might enjoy. See this video for more details:
You can get more details on the nature center here.
We plan to provide drinks and some food for you at no cost, and we will be looking for people to augment that with potluck items. Stay tuned for details on that.
Here are some pictures of the pavilion:

I hope to see you at the picnic on August 20th!