Brother Knights, it is that time of year again, time to update our officer slate. Elections will be held at our next business meeting on June 5th, and the slating committee is happy to announce the following listing:
Grand Knight: Steve Wagner
Deputy Grand Knight: John Ainsworth
Chancellor: Tom Piasecki
Warden: John Albarracin
Financial Secretary: (not voted on) Leo Bazelewski
Treasurer: Kyle Wade
Advocate: Wayne Mitchell
Recorder: Mike Dolan
Trustee 1-year: Par Carlson
Trustee 2-year: Phil Pozzie
Trustee 3-year: Jim McCarthy
Inside Guard: Mark Goetschel
Outside Guard: Open
Please come out on June 5th to participate in the election. Note that as long as you are a 3rd degree Knight in good standing, you can stand for election to any of these offices.