Join the Knights for their first Pancake Breakfast of the New Year January 26, 2025
Buy you tickets online by clicking on this link, or use the QR code below.Continue Reading
Buy you tickets online by clicking on this link, or use the QR code below.Continue Reading
Join the knights for their Christmas Pancake Breakfast. Buy your tickets after Mass or click here to buy your tickets online.Continue Reading
Are you looking for a fun event during hockey season? Well, you are in luck! We are gathering a group to head down to a Wolves game in February. $30 covers your bus ride from St. Francis to the game and back, as well as admission to the game. ComeContinue Reading
The parish is holding the St. Francis Fest again! Sunday, October 6th, 1 pm – 4 pm Lawn Games, Bouncy House, Face Painting, Live Music,Dancing, 50/50 Raffle and Prizes. Back by popular demand: 5 B’s Catering! Grilled Hamburger, Hotdog or Brats with Salads, and Dessert. Tickets are $5 each, ChildrenContinue Reading
On Sunday July 28th, the parish will be celebrating Fr. Herb’s 50th anniversary of ordination. This is a truly special milestone for Fr. Herb, so please mark your calendars and plan to come! The event starts with a special Mass at 2pm, followed immediately by a dinner. Please RSVP toContinue Reading
It’s that time of year again, time for the Grand Knight’s Christmas party. We’re holding it on Saturday December 9th in the St. Francis Room right after Mass. We’re serving Italian food from Marino’s Kitchen, and of course this meal is free for you and your family. Please RSVP eitherContinue Reading
Don’t forget, we are still holding a pancake breakfast this Sunday morning. There is still time to buy tickets in advance here: Events for November 2023 – Knights of Columbus St. Francis of Assisi Council #11092 ( Also, you can buy them at the door on the day of theContinue Reading
The parish is holding the St. Francis Fest again! The picnic will be held on Sunday October 1st from 1-4pm. Please join us for live music, games, a bounce house, video game truck, and drawings for prizes. Reserve your picnic lunch from MaMaw’s Kitchen by scanning the QR code andContinue Reading
We’re holding a picnic, open to all council members and immediate family, on Sunday August 20th. We have reserved the picnic pavilion at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center at 419 Trout Farm Road. We’ll have food, refreshments and an opportunity to socialize with our families. Please save the date, andContinue Reading
We’re having a pancake breakfast to celebrate Father’s Day! Come out and join us on Sunday, June 18th from 8am until around 11am. Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for children, and are on sale now in the St. Francis Room after Mass and online here! Get your ticketsContinue Reading
We’re holding a pancake breakfast to celebrate the coming return of spring. Come on out on Sunday March 12th between 8am and 11am! Tickets are on sale here, by clicking on the button below and in the St. Francis Room after Mass. Hope to see you there!Continue Reading
On Saturday January 21st, we held a Spaghetti Dinner. About 40 people came out to eat good food and have some fun. In addition, Al Kobylar presented a check for $500 to Abel Luviano, who is currently in the seminary. Your support for our activities makes it possible to supportContinue Reading