Our Grand Knight, Bill Rohlsen, was on hand to congratulate seminarian Father John Honiotes at his first Mass at Notre Dame Parish on Sunday, May 28th.  Our Council has supported him through vocation raffle funds during his time in the seminary.  Fr. Honiotes was ordained on Saturday May 27th. CongratulationsContinue Reading

We had our annual Blood Drive and Flea Market on Saturday May 27th.  The weather was nice and the event was a success!  Check out some pictures from the event below.   ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] Continue Reading

Saturday, May 27 is our Flea Market and Blood Drive. We need volunteers to make this happen – we need you! We need:  – Volunteers at 6 am to help carry tables and setup.  – Volunteers at 7 am to help in the kitchen.  – Volunteers at 8:30 am toContinue Reading

Can you donate 1 can of food or non-perishable item for each day of Lent? The Knights of Columbus will be collecting your “40 Cans for Lent” at all Masses from March 4 through April 9. The donations will taken to the Daybreak Shelter in Joliet.Continue Reading

Jim McCarthy was named the November Knight of the Month for his efforts to bring us this website, the Council Facebook page and the Constant Contact email capability.  Please congratulate Jim on this honor, and make sure to give him feedback on the website!Continue Reading

Our Council was awarded the Star Council Award this year.  Bill Rohlsen and our officers presented the award to the council at the Christmas party, and a suitable spot was found to hang the award on the wall of the St. Francis Room.  Come by and check it out!Continue Reading

We will have the ProLife Baby Shower (“fill the playpen”) drive for baby things (diapers, wipes, …) on Sat.-Sun, Dec 3-4. Please bring a bundle of diapers or something for babies to Mass with you.Continue Reading