Brother Knights, Consistent with guidance provided yesterday by Supreme, we are confirming that this Saturday’s blood drive will take place, but has been moved from Fire Station #5 to the St. Francis Room. With everything going on, blood supplies are feeling the strain, so if you can come out and donate,Continue Reading

March 2020 blood drive will be held on March 21st, 2020 at Bolingbrook Fire Station #5. Come out and help, or give blood!   To schedule, please sign up at, call Justin at (630)739-3875 or load the Versiti Donor app. Appointments are appreciated and encouraged; walk-ins are welcome and will beContinue Reading

It’s time for the annual KofC basketball free-throw contest again! We’re holding it in conjunction with Council 6521 in the St. Dominic School gym on Tuesday January 14th 2020. The contest is open to all athletes aged 9-14, and the winners of this contest move on to the district competition.Continue Reading