We’re having a Back to School Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, August 25th from 7am until Noon. Come on out for pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee and juice, adults $10 in advance /$12 at the door, children under 12 $5 in advance/$6 at the door. Tickets are on sale after all MassesContinue Reading

Council 11092 has been blessed to have the service of Sir Knight Frank Cale over the years, and we decided to wish Frank a happy 89th birthday. On July 22nd, we had a Mass dedicated to him, and we coupled a birthday celebration with the formal retirement of the oldContinue Reading

Come out and help, or give blood!   To schedule, please sign up at www.versiti.org, call Justin at (630)739-3875 or load the Versiti Donor app. Appointments are appreciated and encouraged; walk-ins are welcome and will be seen as the schedule allows. Photo ID is required. All presenting donors will receive aContinue Reading

In case you haven’t heard, we are having a “Corn Roast” parish picnic on August 3, from 3 to 8 pm. You are invited!! There will be lots of fun, games, water balloons, and food available – including hot ears of Corn dipped in melted butter and just waiting toContinue Reading

On June 15th, we held our officer installation and awards dinner. Your 2019-2020 officer are: Grand Knight: Ron Longino Deputy Grand Knight: Joe Freeman Chancellor: Brian Heller Warden: Al Kobylar Recorder: Mike Dolan Treasurer: Jim McCarthy Financial Secretary (Appointed): Pat Carlson Advocate: Wayne Mitchell Guards: Steven Tinson, Brian Workman TrusteeContinue Reading

On June 15th, we’ll be holding the officer installation and dinner. Here is the list of your officers for the 2019-2020 fraternal year: Grand Knight –                   Ron Longino Deputy Grand Knight –     Joe Freeman Chancellor –                        Brian Heller Warden –                             Al Kobylar Recorder –                           Mike Dolan Treasurer –                          Jim McCarthy Financial Security –           Pat Carlson Appointed AdvocateContinue Reading

On Wednesday, June 5th 2019, our Council will hold elections. The slate that was nominated by the slating committee is as follows: Grand Knight –                        Ron Longino Deputy Grand Knight –         Joe Freeman Chancellor –                            Brian Heller Warden –                                 Al Kobylar Recorder –                               Mike DolanContinue Reading

We’re holding another blood drive on Saturday, June 1st. We’ll be holding it in the St. Francis Room between 9am and 1pm. To schedule, please sign up at www.versiti.org, call Justin at (630)739-3875 or load the Versiti Donor app. Appointments are appreciated and encouraged; walk-ins are welcome and will beContinue Reading

This past Sunday, Councils 11092 and 6521 jointly held a Major Degree event. We welcomed several men to the order, and promoted 13 1st Degree members through their 2nd and 3rd degrees. Congratulations to all who participated! The Holy Spirit degree team led our 2nd and 3rd degrees, and theyContinue Reading

On January 15th, we held our annual Basketball Free Throw competition in conjunction with Council 6521. We held it at St. Dominic’s in their school gym. Thanks to our fellow Knights at Council 6521 for their collaboration! Congratulations to our St. Francis winners: Lyzlie Ganaden 11 Year Old Girls WinnerContinue Reading

Council #11092 is holding a major degree event on February 24th, starting at 1:30PM. If you want to join the Knights, or are already a Knight but want to do your 2nd and 3rd Degrees, this event is perfect for you! Simply contact Mike Enos for details and to register.Continue Reading