On Wednesday, June 5th 2019, our Council will hold elections. The slate that was nominated by the slating committee is as follows: Grand Knight –                        Ron Longino Deputy Grand Knight –         Joe Freeman Chancellor –                            Brian Heller Warden –                                 Al Kobylar Recorder –                               Mike DolanContinue Reading

We’re holding another blood drive on Saturday, June 1st. We’ll be holding it in the St. Francis Room between 9am and 1pm. To schedule, please sign up at www.versiti.org, call Justin at (630)739-3875 or load the Versiti Donor app. Appointments are appreciated and encouraged; walk-ins are welcome and will beContinue Reading

This past Sunday, Councils 11092 and 6521 jointly held a Major Degree event. We welcomed several men to the order, and promoted 13 1st Degree members through their 2nd and 3rd degrees. Congratulations to all who participated! The Holy Spirit degree team led our 2nd and 3rd degrees, and theyContinue Reading

On January 15th, we held our annual Basketball Free Throw competition in conjunction with Council 6521. We held it at St. Dominic’s in their school gym. Thanks to our fellow Knights at Council 6521 for their collaboration! Congratulations to our St. Francis winners: Lyzlie Ganaden 11 Year Old Girls WinnerContinue Reading

Council #11092 is holding a major degree event on February 24th, starting at 1:30PM. If you want to join the Knights, or are already a Knight but want to do your 2nd and 3rd Degrees, this event is perfect for you! Simply contact Mike Enos for details and to register.Continue Reading

The Lenten season is upon us again, and we’re doing three Fish Frys this season. We’ll donate a portion of the profits earned to the Teen Mission Group to help defray the costs of their summer Mission Trip. Come out and join us on March 8th, March 29th and AprilContinue Reading

DO SOMETHING AMAZING Blood donors are amazing! Sign up for our blood drive! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #11092 Blood Drive (located at 1901 RODEO DR (119TH) BOLINGBROOK, IL 60490) 01/12/2019 09:00 AM – 01:00 PM Please click https://ht.heartlandbc.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/2036246 to schedule your preferred donation time! Our collection goal is 21 EXCUSESContinue Reading

During the weekend of January 19th-20th, the Knights of Columbus will sponsor a collection to benefit a local Pro-Life counseling center.  The Center is in great need of the following items: Size 4, 5, 6 and Newborn diapers; Baby Wipes; and, Baby Lotion, Shampoo, Wash, Powder and Oil A PlaypenContinue Reading

Come out and join us for a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, January 26th! We start serving at 6pm, and will serve until our food is gone. Ticket prices are Adults – $10 in advance  / $12 at the door and Kids – $5 in advance  / $6 at the door.Continue Reading