2018 Christmas Party
We held our annual Christmas Party on Sunday, December 16th in the St. Francis Room. Turnout was good, and we enjoyed plenty of good food and great company! Our Worthy Grand Knight, Ron Longino, said a few words, and we enjoyed a fun evening with friends. A special thanks toContinue Reading
2018 Year in Review
2018 was a wonderful year for the Knights of Columbus. We serve in our parishes, supported Christians being oppressed in the Middle East, stood firmly on the side of Life, and otherwise led the way for Catholic men. Enjoy the video compilation of 2018 in review!Continue Reading
Celebrating Special Olympics’ 50th Anniversary
Special Olympics turns 50 this year, and the Knights of Columbus have been there for every step. Celebrate this milestone, and reach out to Ron Longino if you are interested in volunteering to help out next year!Continue Reading
Open House November 28th
Are you interested in joining the best volunteering organization for Catholic men in the US? Are you interested in making new friends, strengthening current ones and having an impact on your parish while serving others? If so, and you are a Catholic man of at least 18 years of age,Continue Reading
25th Anniversary Was A Hit!
Thanks to all of the members who came out for our 25th Anniversary celebration. We saw a collection of Past Grand Knights, had a visit from the IL State Secretary, saw our committed District Deputy and of course enjoyed the celebration with Fr. Herb and Father Pat. Here is aContinue Reading
World War I: 100th Anniversary
World War I ended on this date 100 years ago, and the Knights of Columbus was Over There in the thick of it. Today, we remember the sacrifices made by veterans, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice, and recommit to support for our veterans.Continue Reading
The Air Force Times Airman of the Year: Julian Gluck
Captain Gluck participated in combat missions in the liberation of Mosul, Iraq and Al-Raqqah, Syria from ISIS and was selected as the 2018 Air Force Times’ Airman of the Year. Gluck had served as the chairman of the KofC College Councils Advisory Board in 2011 and has been active internationallyContinue Reading
Enjoy Our Anniversary Video
Our Council turned 25 this year. Enjoy this video slideshow of some of the memories!Continue Reading
136th Supreme Convention
The 136th Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention was held recently in Baltimore, Maryland. Enjoy this recap of the event!Continue Reading
Join Us for Our Founders’ Day Celebration!
Our council turned 25 this year. Come out on Sunday November 4th to celebrate the event! Refreshments will be served, and we will be honoring founding members, past officers and current membership. See you there!Continue Reading
What This Grandfather & Grandson Found After Hurricane Devastation
What This Grandfather & Grandson Found After Hurricane Devastation.Continue Reading
Our Council Dedicates a Memorial to Victims of Abortion
Council #11092 has acquired, installed and dedicated a memorial for victims of abortion. Two anonymous benefactors stepped forward to provide funding, and the council managed the acquisition and installation of the memorial. Special thanks goes to Second Degree member Stephen Tinson for laying the foundation and installing the decorative stoneworkContinue Reading