College Knights hold a car show to raise funds for Christian refugee relief. Learn more about how you can help: Persecuted Christians have faced genocide and were forced to flee their homes. Knights of Columbus responded with the Christian Refugee Relief Fund, which directs 100% of all donations toContinue Reading

Our council’s new officers for the fraternal year 2018-2019, which starts on July 1st, were installed tonight in the church following the 5PM Mass.  Many thanks to Worthy Sir Knight and District Deputy Mike Enos for presiding.  After the installation, we enjoyed a meal in the St. Francis Room.  Continue Reading

Mike Sweeney was a five-time American League All-Star first baseman who served as the captain of the Kansas City Royals. A committed man of faith and a Knight of Columbus, he shares his powerful testimony of faith, character and the true meaning of fatherhood.  Continue Reading