Thanks to all of our Brother Knights who came out to support the Bolingbrook Pathways Parade on Sunday.  In partnership with Council 6521, there were 13 Knights represented, and over 60 pounds of candy was distributed to the spectators. Thanks to all who participated!Continue Reading

Congratulate Joe Freeman on being named as the August 2018 Knight of the Month for Council 11092! During August 2018, Joe was instrumental in the success of: Our Blood Drive, The Council Picnic, Pancake Breakfast, Arranging bulletin announcements, Providing refreshments for meetings, Procuring the candy for the ID drive, and,Continue Reading

The yearly Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage for Non-Wounded, Wounded, Ill or Injured Military Personnel during the 61st Annual International Military Pilgrimage (PMI) will take place May 15-21, 2019.Continue Reading

In Spring 2018, the staff at St. Dominic School realized that an urgent roof repair was needed.  A second collection was conducted at St. Francis and St. Dominic to augment the capital fund to pay for the repairs, but there was still a gap. Council 11092 donated $1,000 to helpContinue Reading

College Knights hold a car show to raise funds for Christian refugee relief. Learn more about how you can help: Persecuted Christians have faced genocide and were forced to flee their homes. Knights of Columbus responded with the Christian Refugee Relief Fund, which directs 100% of all donations toContinue Reading

Our council’s new officers for the fraternal year 2018-2019, which starts on July 1st, were installed tonight in the church following the 5PM Mass.  Many thanks to Worthy Sir Knight and District Deputy Mike Enos for presiding.  After the installation, we enjoyed a meal in the St. Francis Room.  Continue Reading