Back to School Pancake Breakfast Kid’s Special!! This time, we have a special treat for the kids…smiley face M&M pancakes! They’ll love it. Tickets are on sale now here and after Mass in the St, Francis room. Adults – $12 at the door, $10 in advance Children – $6 atContinue Reading

Brother Knights, we will be installing the officers for the 2024-2025 fraternal year on Thursday June 20th at 7pm. We will hold installation jointly with Council 6521 again, and a dinner will be provided. Bring your spouse and get ready to enjoy the installation and a dinner provided by ourContinue Reading

Brother Knights, it is that time of year again, time to update our officer slate. Elections will be held at our next business meeting on June 5th, and the slating committee is happy to announce the following listing: Grand Knight:  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Steve Wagner Deputy Grand Knight: John Ainsworth Chancellor: Tom PiaseckiContinue Reading

Council 11092 is proud to announce that we have donated signs depicting the Mysteries of the Rosary to St. Francis of Assisi. These signs have been set up around the statue of Mary outside the church, and are intended to enhance your enjoyment of the rosary. Now you can meditateContinue Reading

We’re holding a pancake breakfast on Sunday, April 21st to celebrate the return of spring. This time, we have a special treat for the kids…smiley face M&M pancakes! They’ll love it. Tickets are on sale now here and after Mass in the St. Francis room. Get yours today!Continue Reading