1st Degree Ceremony
We’ll be holding a First Degree ceremony on Wednesday, November 30th, at 7PM, prior to the officers’ meeting. We have two candidates. Please attend the First Degree if at all possible to show that we Knights stand together as a group.Continue Reading
Christmas Party!
Come and join us for our annual Christmas party! On December 10, 2016, we’ll have a corporate communion Mass at 5PM, and the party will be held immediately after Mass. Your family is welcome. RSVP by December 4th to Bill Rohlsen at rohlsens@aol.com or 630.551.3626. Hope to see you there!Continue Reading
Blood Drive Information
We are sponsoring blood drives this year. We could use volunteers from 8:15AM through 2PM. Email us here if you can help with any of these dates for any portion of time that the events are being held. Click the links below for information on each date’s event. January 14th,Continue Reading
Giving Tree Donations Needed
This year’s Giving Tree donations will be going to families and individuals who were visited by St. Vincent de Paul members this past year. As you know, anyone in Bolingbrook can call St. Francis and St. Dominic’s for assistance with rent, utilities, water, clothing, food and basic home needs. OurContinue Reading
Lady Knights Are Selling Poinsettias
The Lady Knights will be selling poinsettias again this year. Orders are being taken after all masses the weekends of November 5th & 6th, 12th & 13th, 19th & 20th. Two sizes are available – a 5″ potted poinsettia for $10.00 and a 6″potted poinsettia for $15.00 in yourContinue Reading
Welcome Jim McCarthy to the Knighthood Degree
A new Council member took the Formation and Knighthood degrees on Saturday, November 5th, 2016. Bill Rohlsen was present to congratulate Jim McCarthy, along with Frank Schwartz, our state council treasurer. Welcome Jim to the order and our Council when you see him!Continue Reading
Eat Out and Support Our Council!
Eat out and support our Council! Click Here For A Printable Flyer We are holding a Fundraising Night with Panera at 1196 West Boughton Road Bolingbrook, IL 60440 on Tuesday, December 6th, 2016, between 4PM and 8PM. Bring this flyer with you and show it to the cash register clerk, andContinue Reading