Please Donate Blood on Saturday
According to Versiti, although about 38% of the US population is eligible to give blood, only about 5% actually do. Fortunately, Council 11092 can help you be a part of turning that around. This Saturday, we are holding a blood drive with Versiti in the St. Francis Room. While walk-insContinue Reading
Join The COR Meeting in February
We’re holding our second COR meeting on Saturday February 10th in Classroom 6 in the St, Francis Room. We’d love to see you there! To thrive as a faithful Catholic, every Catholic man needs an active and growing relationship with God, to intentionally invest in his formation and prayer life,Continue Reading
Join Us for a Pancake Breakfast in February!
We’re holding a Be My Valentine pancake breakfast in the St. Francis Room on Sunday, February 11th. Tickets are on sale now via the website and after Mass in the St. Francis Room. Get your tickets and we hope to see you there!Continue Reading
COR Is Coming to St. Francis!
The men of Knights of Columbus Council No. 11092 are excited to share the implementation of Cor, a new formation and fraternal opportunity for the men of St. Francis of Assisi’s parish. Cor exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing themContinue Reading
Come Celebrate the Christmas Season With Us!
It’s that time of year again, time for the Grand Knight’s Christmas party. We’re holding it on Saturday December 9th in the St. Francis Room right after Mass. We’re serving Italian food from Marino’s Kitchen, and of course this meal is free for you and your family. Please RSVP eitherContinue Reading
Join Us for the December Pancake Breakfast!
Don’t forget, we are still holding a pancake breakfast this Sunday morning. There is still time to buy tickets in advance here: Events for November 2023 – Knights of Columbus St. Francis of Assisi Council #11092 ( Also, you can buy them at the door on the day of theContinue Reading
St. Francis Fest Is Back!
The parish is holding the St. Francis Fest again! The picnic will be held on Sunday October 1st from 1-4pm. Please join us for live music, games, a bounce house, video game truck, and drawings for prizes. Reserve your picnic lunch from MaMaw’s Kitchen by scanning the QR code andContinue Reading
Come Out and Enjoy the 2023 Council 11092 Summer Picnic!
We’re holding a picnic, open to all council members and immediate family, on Sunday August 20th. We have reserved the picnic pavilion at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center at 419 Trout Farm Road. We’ll have food, refreshments and an opportunity to socialize with our families. Please save the date, andContinue Reading
We’re Holding A Blood Drive in August
On Saturday August 26th, we’re holding a blood drive in the St. Francis Room. Donate for a chance to win a $1200 in e-gift cards for a new TV, computer, or any new home entertainment device. Scan the QR code below or click here to reserve your spot. We hopeContinue Reading
Back to School Pancake Breakfast Is Coming!
We’re holding a Back to School Pancake Breakfast on August 27th. Tickets are now on sale here and in the St. Francis Room after Mass. Adult tickets are $12, and Child tickets are $6. Come out for some pancakes and celebrate the start of a new school year!Continue Reading
We’re Holding a Blood Drive in June
Our Blood Drive series continues in June with a drive on June 10th. We’re holding it in the St. Francis Room, and we expect to collect at least 15 units of blood to help support community needs. Please plan on coming out to donate, and contact Justin if you wantContinue Reading
Join Us for our Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast
We’re having a pancake breakfast to celebrate Father’s Day! Come out and join us on Sunday, June 18th from 8am until around 11am. Tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for children, and are on sale now in the St. Francis Room after Mass and online here! Get your ticketsContinue Reading