We’re holding another blood drive on Saturday, June 1st. We’ll be holding it in the St. Francis Room between 9am and 1pm. To schedule, please sign up at www.versiti.org, call Justin at (630)739-3875 or load the Versiti Donor app. Appointments are appreciated and encouraged; walk-ins are welcome and will beContinue Reading

DO SOMETHING AMAZING Blood donors are amazing! Sign up for our blood drive! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #11092 Blood Drive (located at 1901 RODEO DR (119TH) BOLINGBROOK, IL 60490) 01/12/2019 09:00 AM – 01:00 PM Please click https://ht.heartlandbc.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/2036246 to schedule your preferred donation time! Our collection goal is 21 EXCUSESContinue Reading

DO SOMETHING AMAZING Blood donors are amazing! Sign up for our blood drive! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL #11092 Blood Drive (located at 1901 RODEO DR (119TH) BOLINGBROOK, IL 60490) 01/12/2019 09:00 AM – 01:00 PM Please click https://ht.heartlandbc.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/2036246 to schedule your preferred donation time! Our collection goal is 21 EXCUSESContinue Reading

Come out and help, or give blood!   To schedule, please sign up at www.versiti.org, call Justin at (630)739-3875 or load the Versiti Donor app. Appointments are appreciated and encouraged; walk-ins are welcome and will be seen as the schedule allows. Photo ID is required. All presenting donors will receive anContinue Reading