Come on out for our October Pancake Breakfast! $10 per adult/$6 per child in advance, $12 per adult/$7 per child at the door. Pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee & juice will be served. Join us in the St. Francis Room! Advance tickets on sale below or from a Knight after Mass.Continue Reading

Come on out for our Back to School Pancake Breakfast! $10 per adult/$6 per child in advance, $12 per adult/$7 per child at the door. Pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee & juice will be served. Join us in the St. Francis Room! Advance tickets on sale below or from a KnightContinue Reading

We’re having a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October 27th from 7am until Noon. Come on out for pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee and juice, adults $10 in advance /$12 at the door, children under 12 $5 in advance/$6 at the door. Continue Reading

We’re having a Back to School Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, August 25th from 7am until Noon. Come on out for pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee and juice, adults $10 in advance /$12 at the door, children under 12 $5 in advance/$6 at the door. Tickets are on sale after all MassesContinue Reading

We’re having a Back to School Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, August 25th from 7am until Noon. Come on out for pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee and juice, adults $10 in advance /$12 at the door, children under 12 $5 in advance/$6 at the door. Continue Reading