April Business Meeting

Due to shelter-in-place restrictions from COVID-19, Knights of Columbus Council #11092 will be holding meetings virtually using GoToMeeting.Com. Our fist virtual meeting will be our April business meeting on April 1st, 2020.   We’ll be able to continue to manage the business of the council while complying with the requirements to accomplish social distancing.

The Tool

GoToMeeting is a virtual meeting tool.  We’ll use it to enable us to meet from our homes using our network connections.

How Do I Use GoToMeeting.Com?

There are two ways to use this tool to join our meeting:  installing a simple app on your PC, Mac or mobile device or using a telephone to join in audio-only mode.  We’ll lay both out for you.

Using GoToMeeting App

  1. On a PC, Mac, or iOS/Android device, navigate to this URL.  https://www.gotomeeting.com/
  2. On a PC or Mac, run the installer program to install the GoToMeeting Opener app.  On a phone, install the GoToMeeting app from the app store.
  3. Starting 10 minutes before the meeting start time, click the meeting link to join the meeting.  Here is the link for our first business meeting:  https://www.gotomeet.me/JamesMcCarthy1/kofc11092-april-2020-business-meeting.
  4. The Opener app will then join you to your meeting.  Understand that your camera and microphone will be active; we suggest muting your microphone in the meeting app when you join and leaving it muted until you wish to talk.
  5. The following video shows how to use the app in the meeting.  Please watch in advance.

Using Telephone to Join in Audio-Only Mode

  1. Dial the access phone number from your phone.  For our first business meeting, dial (872) 240-3212.
  2. Once GoToMeeting answers, enter your access code followed by #.  For our first business meeting, the access code is 974-762-669.
  3. We suggest muting your microphone when you join and leaving it muted until you wish to talk.

Best Practices For A Successful Virtual Meeting

  1. Connect via ethernet or 5 GHz WiFi.  Do not use 2.4 GHz WiFi as your call quality will be poor.  If all you have is 2.4 GHz, connect via a phone in audio-only mode.
  2. Mute your microphone as soon as you join and leave it muted unless you want to speak.
  3. Join from a quiet area.  In particular, do not have TV’s or music playing in the background while you are connected.
  4. Use PC/Mac/mobile device camera and microphone.  Do not join via the app and via a phone call as the dual connections will create feedback.  This will disrupt the meeting.

Voting Mechanics

We will be holding votes on issues as we normally do in business meetings.  We anticipate verbally polling each participant for each vote.

Meeting Minutes

Look for a copy of the meeting minutes from the last business meeting to be distributed in advance of our meeting.  Please come to our April business meeting with any required changes identified.

Closing Thoughts

In these times of stress and strain, the ideal of Fraternity is important.  We invite you to join us remotely for the April business meeting.  Thanks in advance for dealing with the challenges that we face in holding this meeting…we want to continue moving Council 11092 forward despite the challenges.

Vivat Jesus!