The Intellectual Disabilities or “Tootsie Roll” Fund Drive is one of the most recognizable activities that the Knights of Columbus do each year. All funds raised from this drive are given to local programs which support people with special learning needs. In recent years, our council here at St. Francis of Assisi has raised over $2,500 per year thanks to the generosity of the parishioners and the community. Typically we stand on the street corners Friday and Saturday and then outside the Church on the weekend Masses during the 3rd weekend of September. However, this year with Covid-19, there is extra concern about accepting money, handling the money, and distributing tootsie rolls safely for everyone.
Our council has made the tough decision not to be risk exposing or spreading the virus by following our normal methods for the ID Drive. This is where your help is needed. The Knights of Columbus at St. Francis of Assisi has set up an online giving program to help us meet our goals in supporting those with Intellectual Disabilities.
There are two ways to donate online through our web site:
First, you can contribute a flat dollar amount of your choice. Minimum donation is $5 and as stated previously, all funds raised are given directly to organizations supporting those with special learning needs.
Second, for the Tootsie Roll lovers, you can buy a cellophane wrapped box of our Tootsie Rolls (50 per box) for the price of $25 per box (while supplies last). We’ll deliver your order within several days of your order.
We thank you for generous support in advance. If you have any questions, please email us at kofc11092@gmail.com. All emails will be answered in a timely manner.