It’s almost time for the Special Olympics this year, and Justin Zamirowksi wants you to volunteer. Here is a note from him:
Once again we have been asked to provide Gate Control for the Special Olympics Spring Games. The games will take place at Marmion Academy in Aurora on Battlefield Road. This is one of the events that out Tootsie Roll Drive supports. We have been providing Gate Control for several years now. I believe it is one of the more rewarding events that we carry out.
The Spring Games will take place on Saturday April 29 and Sunday April 30. If we get enough Knights and family members to help out I would like to have two shifts of knights per day. One morning shift and one afternoon shift. In the past these shifts have been 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m and 11:30 a.m. to the end of the games.
Here is a letter from Special Olympics that describes the registration process they have established for our organization. I hope that we can all support the Games and help to make them a success. Please let me know which day and shift you would like to help on through an email or call at 630-739-3875(home) 630-880-5611 (cell). Of course, if you have questions give me a call or an email.
Justin Zamirowski
I have personally participated in the past, and this really is a fun and rewarding way to make a difference. Please consider volunteering, and I hope to see you all there!