It’s almost time for the Special Olympics this year, and Justin Zamirowksi wants you to volunteer. Here is a note from him: Once again we have been asked to provide Gate Control for the Special Olympics Spring Games.  The games will take place at Marmion Academy in Aurora on BattlefieldContinue Reading

On Saturday April 8th, the Knights of Columbus Council 11092 is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt. Bring your baskets to the church to be blessed, and then join us on the lawn outside the south side of the church for an Easter Egg hunt. The children may keep the eggsContinue Reading

On Saturday, June 3rd, we are bringing Wayne Messmer’s play Damien to St. Francis. Damien is a powerful one-man play written by Aldyth Morris, starring Chicago’s very own Wayne Messmer. This production has brought audiences to their feet with the truly inspirational story of this humble Belgian Priest, now aContinue Reading

On Saturday January 21st, we held a Spaghetti Dinner. About 40 people came out to eat good food and have some fun. In addition, Al Kobylar presented a check for $500 to Abel Luviano, who is currently in the seminary. Your support for our activities makes it possible to supportContinue Reading

From January 19th through January 27th, The USCCB’s Secretariat of Pro Life Activities is sponsoring a daily pro-life novena as a tie-in for the annual pro-life march. 9 Days for Life is a novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection andContinue Reading

We’re holding a blood drive on Saturday January 14th. January is National Blood Donor Month, and donations are critical to helping maintain the supply for patients who need it. In addition, the screening process can identify potential health issues early, and several of our members can trace early detection toContinue Reading